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Springtime Votes

Published: March 03, 2025

March 25 Annual Meeting Ballots and proxies for The Downs of Hillcrest Annual Meeting are mailed to each residence and must be returned prior to the start of the meeting. Included are the meeting agenda and candidate applications for two open board seats. Even if you plan to attend the meeting, it’s wise to fill out a proxy so you can be counted present and voting even if some calamity hits your calendar and you can’t make it. A Happy Hour follows the conclusion of the meeting.

May 3 City Council Election District 11 is our City Council district, and is presently served by Jaynie Schultz, who has long served the city of Dallas in several capacities. As Jaynie is retiring, four candidates have registered for the May 3 election. It is worth your while to explore who gets your vote, and to know the ways the City of Dallas impacts neighborhoods, public safety, transportation, parks and zoning and development decisions.

The Downs of Hillcrest HOA

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